What is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)?

DomainKeys Identified Mail, or DKIM in short, is an email authentication mechanism that helps to prevent sending mail with spoofed header sender addresses. This is one of those critical features of email security that help in controlling spam and phishing attacks and ascertains the genuineness of the messages sent or received.

How Does DKIM Work?

DKIM works by allowing the sender to digitally sign an email message with a private key that only it could possess; this signature is placed into the header of the email each time one is sent.

Upon receiving the email

The recipient's mail server would look up the sender's public key in DNS records. It then verifies the signature with this key. If the signature Bulk Email Data verifies, that assures not only that the email hasn't been tampered with en route, but also that it indeed comes from the address it claims to come from.

Advantages of DKIM Implementation

Improved Email Security: DKIM authenticates the originator of a particular e-mail, thus providing an extra layer of security to that particular e-mail. This decreases the chances of email spoofing. Improved Deliverability: Emails which are able to pass through DKIM verification also have a lesser chance of landing in the junk box.
Trust and Reputation: DKIM provides a way to inform recipients that your organization cares about email security. It may improve your brand reputation. It is about compliance, too. Many email service providers and regulators are recommending or requiring DKIM as part of their email authentication requirements. Setup of DKIM Setup of DKIM involves a few steps.

Generation of DKIM Key Pair:

A private key kept secret and a public key published in DNS. Add Public Key to DNS: This may involve adding the public key to your DNS records in a specific format. Configuration of your Email Server: The email server should be set up so that all outgoing emails are signed using a private key.
Test your configuration: After setting up DKIM, use DKIM testing tools to ensure that your emails are signing correctly.


DKIM forms part of the modern security email architecture. DKIM plays a great role in keeping spam and phishing at bay by guaranteeing the authenticity of the sender of this email. Since DKIM is one of the basic email securities, nobody can afford not to send their emails with it if they care about email deliverability.

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